PTE Exam Pattern & Syllabus:

PTE Exam Format
PTE Exam Pattern An English language exam that has been developed to test the Speaking & Writing skills (54 – 67 minutes), Reading skills (29 – 30 minutes), and Listening skills (30 – 43 minutes) of candidates wanting to study abroad in an English-speaking country.
PTE Duration 2 Hours and a Single test session
Medium Computer-based with headset
Mode Taken in a test centre / Home Edition
Test Type Assesses real-life English
Test Layout 20 question types


PTE Exam Pattern

PTE Exam Pattern - By Sections

PTE Exam Pattern: Speaking and Writing (54 - 67 minutes)

PTE Speaking and Writing Section Question Topics
Duration per task
Personal introduction 55 seconds: 25 seconds for prompt, 30 seconds to record
Read Aloud 30-40 seconds to prepare for reading out the text of 60 words
Repeat sentence 15 seconds: 3-9 seconds for prompt, 15 seconds to record
Describe image 25 seconds are granted to study the image as well as prepare your response on the same
Retell lecture 90 seconds for prompt length, 10 seconds to prepare and 40 seconds to answer
Answer short question 20 seconds: 3-9 seconds for prompt, 10 seconds to answer
Summarize written text 10 minutes to answer to text prompt of 300 words
Write Essay 20 minutes to answer to text prompt of 2-3 sentences

Total Questions 28 - 36 Time Allocation:
54 - 67 minutes

PTE Exam Pattern: Reading Section (29 - 30 minutes)

PTE Reading Section Question Topics
Duration per task
Fill in the blanks –reading & writing Read 300 words of text
Multiple choice, multiple answers Read 300 words of text
Re-order paragraph Read 150 words of text
Fill in the blanks –reading Read 80 words of text
Multiple choice, single answer Read 300 words of text

Total Questions 13 - 18 Time Allocation:
29 - 30 minutes

PTE Exam Pattern: Listening Section (30 - 43 minutes)

PTE Listening Section Question Topics
Duration per task
Summarize spoken text 60-90 seconds to retain 50-70 words, 10 minutes to write
Multiple choice, multiple answers 40-90 seconds for prompt
Fill in the blanks 30-60 seconds
Highlight correct summary 30-90 seconds
Multiple choice, single answer 30-60 seconds
Select missing word 20-70 seconds
Highlight incorrect word 15-50 seconds
Write from Dictation 3-5 seconds

Total Questions 12 - 20 Time Allocation: 
30 - 43 minutes

PTE Academic Exam Syllabus

The PTE test consists of the following sections:

  • PTE Speaking 
  • PTE Writing
  • PTE Reading
  • PTE Listening
PTE Section
PTE Exam Syllabus
Total Questions/ Duration
PTE Speaking & Writing Personal Introduction • Read Aloud • Repeat Sentence • Describe Image • Re-Tell Lecture • Answer Short Questions • Summarize Written Text • Essay No. of Questions:    28 – 36
Duration:        54 – 67 minutes
PTE Reading Section Multiple Choice, Choose Single Answer • Multiple Choice, Choose Multiple Answers • Re-Order Paragraphs • Reading: Fill in the Blanks • Reading and Writing: Fill in the Blanks No. of Questions:     13 – 18
Duration:        29 – 30 minutes
PTE Listening Section Summarize Spoken Text • Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer • Fill in the Blanks • Highlight Correct Summary • Multiple Choice, Single Answer • Select Missing Word • Highlight Incorrect Words • Write From Dictation No. of Questions:     12 – 20
Duration:        30 – 43 minutes

PTE Academic Exam Syllabus - By Sections:

PTE Exam Syllabus: Speaking & Writing Section (54 - 67 minutes)

This section has 8 sub-sections. The total duration to complete this section is 54 - 67 minutes.

PTE Personal Introduction

With 25 seconds of preparation time, you will have to read out a prompt and record your personal details within 30 seconds. These details are later sent to schools.

PTE Read aloud 

You will be given a transcript. You will have read the text on the transcript out loud. If you pause for more than 3 seconds, the recording will be stopped.

PTE Repeating sentences

Audio will be played. You will have to repeat the audio within 15 seconds.

PTE Image Description

You will be shown an image. After observing it for 25 seconds, you will have to describe it in your own words.

PTE Retell lecture

Listen to the lecture and summarize it in your words.

PTE Respond to a short question

Listen to the audio and respond to it with single or multiple words.

PTE Summarize in a single sentence

Read the given passage and summarize the important points within 75 words in 10 minutes.

PTE Essay writing

Write an essay in about 200 - 300 words in 20 minutes.

PTE Exam Syllabus: Reading Section (29 - 30 minutes)

The PTE Reading Section has 5 sub-sections. The total duration to complete this section is 29 - 30 minutes.

PTE Reading and Writing - Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks in the given passage with the right answers.

PTE Multiple Choice - Multiple answers

Read the given passage and choose multiple right answers.

PTE Reordering paragraphs

Reordering the given sentences in the correct order to form a coherent passage. 

PTE Fill in the blanks

Choose the right word from the dropdown boxes and fill in the blanks.

PTE Multiple Choice - Single answer

Select a single right answer from the list of options.

PTE Exam Syllabus: Listening Section (30 - 43 minutes)

The total duration to complete this section is 30 - 43 minutes.

PTE Summarize spoken test 

Summarize the audio in about 50-70 words in 10 minutes.

PTE Multiple Choice - Multiple answers

Carefully listen to the audio and choose multiple correct answers.

PTE Listening and Writing - Fill in the blanks

Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the exact phrases in the given transcript. 

PTE Highlight the perfect summary

Listen to the audio and choose the right summary.

PTE Multiple Choice - Single answer

Choose a single right answer from the multiple-choice.

PTE Find the missing words

Listen to the audio, find the missing words and fill in the blanks.

PTE Highlight the incorrect words

Listen to the audio and change the incorrect words.

PTE Write from dictation

Listen to the audio and highlight the incorrect words.

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